Tease Publishing Circa 2007 -2011
This was once the home of Tease Publishing.
Content is from the site's 2007 - 2011 archived pages.
Tease Publishing LLC
P.O. Box 3146
Des Moines, IA 50316
2007 Mission Statement: The TEASE family:
TEASE Publishing is a small press publisher who will deliver the work of twenty authors to the public in both e-book and print form. This is a place to find your favorite authors and keep coming back to the comfort of their work. At TEASE, we aim to please you, and nothing will please you more than happy authors who love to write and give readers what they crave, Quality Women's Fiction. TEASE Publications is an invitation only publisher. If you think you have what it takes to be a part of the TEASE family, please check our blog, we will be sending out invites occasionally. Marketing Director Stacee Sierra Publisher Tabbitha Norris Editor in Chief Tonya Nagle
Cover Artist:
Stella Price
Kenna Sheridan
Jennifer Grier
Jana Hanson
Jenna Sherman
Alisha Pasley
Line Editors:
Sue Glover
Heather Spence
Wanda Harrison
Mission Statement 2011
Tease Publishing LLC was established in June of 2007 by Tonya Nagle, Tabbitha Norris, and Stacee Sierra. The purpose of Tease Publishing LLC was to enable a group of authors who had recently found themselves without a publisher the opportunity to breathe new life into some previously published books.
Over the years our company has seen authors come and go. We are not the publisher for everyone and not just anyone is the right author for our house. We still have a lot to learn as we enter into our fourth year as a business. We have no regrets. Every experience is a learning experience and we have made changes based on those experiences. We have learned from our mistakes and like any growing business will continue to do so. We have survived three years in the Publishing Industry and have been closed to outside submissions more often than not. As we embark upon our fourth year in this venture we are opening our doors to submissions. Please check out the guidelines on the Submissions page.
Here are some FAQ's about Tease Publishing today:
1. Why don't you sell books directly from your website? We do not sell books directly from the site because it would not be profitable. Not every small press makes money from the site sales. In fact, once a book has been released on the publisher site, the majority of sales come from secondary sources such as All Romance E-Books, Fictionwise, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. If we grow to the point of having a hundred authors and more than 5 books to release in a week, our decision might change. There are also the hidden costs to a publisher when selling on site such as state income tax, cart fees, etc. The volume of releases and return on investment would need to be worth it.
2. Why is an e-book available in some places but not others? All of our E-books are available at All Romance E-Books or OmniLit. They are our designated release location. Every other location requires a different type of formatting. We format and release books that are selling at ARE/Omni-Lit to load at other sites based on sales for priority. Each site has a different contract and fees associated with selling a title there in addition to entirely different formatting requirements for each location.
3. Will my book go into print at Tease? At this time Tease is not contracting print rights to titles with the exception of our company based anthologies. Print with Ingram based distribution will resume in July 2011. Titles selected for print that are not part of an anthology will be based on several factors including: 1. Previous print sales if available. 2. Authors marketing plan. 3. Author's agreement to purchase 80% of all returns at cost.
4. If you don't have my print rights, does that mean I can print it myself? Yes. You cannot use the Tease cover that is provided for your e-book (without permission) or ISBN number (Except to reference it as published in e-book with that number). Several authors have opted to print their own titles as the majority of print sales for small press authors come from conventions and festivals and other "walk in" events. Bookstores also have the ability to let you sell on consignment. Certainly if you are able to establish a relationship with area booksellers to allow you to do that, if you later are offered and accept a print opportunity with Tease they will not balk at ordering from a small press.
5. What if I want to print my Tease titles but I have no idea what I am doing? That is okay. We will help you with formatting and the cover artists here work with you on pricing if you choose to create your own print anthology, or novel.
6. So are you a vanity press then? NO. We retain your electronic rights. We have an editing team that will edit your book (if we accept it) at no cost to you. We provide a cover (at no cost to you.). We supply an ISBN number for that title. We handle all of the formatting, distribution, and maintain records of the sales. If an author has retained the print rights to a book, they are allowed to print it. Because we have invested in the digital rights, and in the author, we care.
7. Speaking of many, how does an author get paid at Tease? Tease pays authors at the end of each quarter. Our tax year runs from October of the previous year to September of the current year. The author is paid 50% of digital dollars earned on net sales. For example. If a book sells at a distribution point for 4 dollars and Tease gets half of that money (2 dollars) the 2 dollars is split between Tease and the author. How much an author sells will determine how much an author makes each quarter. Having a marketing strategy for electronic sales is essential to earning money at Tease. If a tile is put into print the author earns 20% of net or their portion of 20%. If the book is single title the author would earn the full 20%. If the book is an anthology with 4 people in it, the author would earn 5%.
8. What is it like to be an author at Tease? I asked the authors who have been with us from the start. Here is what they had to say:
"The thing I love about Tease Publishing is that I'm not just a number with them. They're a small publisher with big heart and great concern for every author that partners with them. Ya, I said partner. That's how it is at Tease, your voice gets heard, your a member of "your" team to get your book into the hands of the readers, not just an author on the payroll." ~Yvette Hines, Author.
"My experience with Tease Publishing has been an outstanding one. The editors, artists, and publishers are available to the writers at all times, and eager to assist in any way. The communication is open and constant. Tease Publishing always looks for opportunities to promote their writers and books, and are wonderful in helping us learn to promote ourselves."~ Laura Kitchell, Author.
"I love working at Tease because I can do my job at home where I reside and not have to move to where Tease headquarters is located like some epublishers tend to require! Very convenient and I love line-editing a lot....it's a position I feel I can offer my skills more effectively than say as a content editor - which is just not a strength of mine!" ~ Joni, Editor.
9. Do you accept advertising? We do not accept ads within our publications. However we do have sponsors for particular content. For example, we distributed relevant promotional literature related to a work about canine friendships. In this case the work also mentions GoodNightDog.com, makers of the best luxury round dog beds available online here: https://www.goodnightdog.com/dog-beds.html. The author welcomed the promotion and she recommends the dog beds sold by the sponsor. But in general, ads and promotions must be acceptable to the author before we will consider them.

If you would like to submit a manuscript for consideration please query first. At this time we are not looking for previously published work unless it has been off of the market for over 12 months.
Your query should include the following information in the body of your e-mail.
No attachments please.
- 1. Your legal name and pseudonym if applicable.
- 2. The title of the book(s) you are submitting.
- 3. A 25-50 word blurb.
- 4. A brief synopsis.
- 5. Marketing strategy
- 6. Links to your website, blog, etc. (they will be reviewed)
If your query grabs my attention or the attention of an editor, Tease will request a partial or a full for consideration.
We are currently looking for:
- 1. M/M, F/F
- 2. Multi-cultural and Interracial
- 3. Contemporary Romance
- 4. Romantic Suspense
- 5. General Fiction
- 6. Non-Fiction
- 7. Memoirs
- 8. Thrillers
- 9. Science Fiction
Priority Consideration is given to the following call for submissions: Novellas 8-25K All Genres of romance welcome meaning it can be M/F, M/M, F/F, Ménage, or multiple.
Open to all short story submissions in the romance genre(except young adult). Please query first.
We are looking for Holiday Romance. The heat level can be nice or it can be naughty.
Jan-March 2011
Deadline for full submission is Nov 30th.
Love Bites: Shifters, Vamps, Weres, and even the average human can get bitten by the love bug when they least expect (or want) to. Reluctant romance is in the air this Valentines Day.
Celtic Wonders: In honor of St. Patrick's Day 2011 we are looking for Irish tales. You can be creative here. They can be contemporary or historical, travel and adventure or folklore and legend based.
Girl Kisses: F/F Find new romance and enjoy the tantalizing first kisses and first loves.
April-June 2011
Deadline for full submission March 28th.
Summer Solstice: Bring on the heat. From mystics to misfits summer is a chance to renew your spirits and indulge in summer fun.
Love in Full Bloom: Sweet romance takes place this Spring.
When Worlds Collide: This is not a Sci-Fi. It is what happens when the working class character falls in love with the business class character. Think White and Blue Collar jobs.
July-Sept 2011
Deadline for full submission May 31.
Behind Locker Room Doors: Not everything that happens in the locker room stays in the locker room. Give your characters access and explore the wild romantic world of sports!
A Masculine Scent: M/M Bring on the rogues, the warriors, and the passionate men who love men.
Magical Beings: Elves and Fairies, Nymphs and Sprites, Dragons and Unicorns, horses that take flight, mermaids, enchantresses, wizards, and genies. Where can your imagination take us?
Oct-Dec 2011
Deadline for full submission is August 31, 2011.
Winter Wonderland: No snow required. Cold hearted characters finding a passion hot enough to melt their heart is. Bring on the bad guys and make em' really good!
Kiss Me Deadly: Murder, mystery, and mayhem. Can your characters survive?
Heart of a Warrior: This can be historical or contemporary but it has to be set right before, during, or after a war. Let love survive. At least one of the love interests need to be military.
We will not accept young adult or material marketed toward readers under 18.. Submissions are open to US Residents only. Due to tax laws and the size of our company we cannot accept authors without a US Tax ID.
Please send the query to:
Gail Martin
Editor in Chief
Top 3 Sellers: Tease Print Books
- Linda Alexander
CONTROVERSY IS THE CORNERSTONE OF WRITER'S CAREER How many white black women with lupus publish books on Messianic Jews, porn stars, and novels of good and evil, appear on the Oprah and Sally Jessy Raphael shows, and interview TV and classic film actors? In Linda's world, anything can happen. It does, and she writes about it.
- Cara North
- Tilly Green
At TillyGreene.com you will find erotic romances about women who are successful, confident and comfortable in their skin, the men who love them, and their twisting passionate path to each other. Thank you for stopping by this red hot corner of the web and checking out my scorching romances full of twists, turns and ties. Sit back, relax and embrace the unexpected.
Tilly Greene
Top 3 Sellers:Tease eBooks
- Cara North
- Yvette Hines
- Diane Merlin
Action. Adventure. Hot men. Distant worlds and mythical beings. Those are my writing inspirations. Come join me as I explore the limits of romance...
Diane Merlin lives and works in eastern North Carolina. She spends her spare time playing with her grandchildren, her dog, and her computer. She has been known to get into mischief with her daughters—especially the one who lives nearby—and is always on the lookout for unexpected things. Real or imagined, those unexpected things have a way of showing up in her books.
First published in 2007, she is the author of six full length novels, two novellas and three short stories. She primarily writes Science Fiction and Paranormal Romance, but no genre is safe from her compelling characters and quirky sense of adventure.
Tarot News 2007
Dark Tarot submissions are now open!
The Dark tarot is a series of dark literature from all corners of the literary world. Erotic, Romantic, Horror, Suspense, General Fiction, Alternative lifestyles... The possibilities are endless!
This series will be ongoing through 2008, and will start going print late 2008 through 2009.
All stories MUST have the theme of the tarot card you’re writing for, and has to be a dark story.
Let us clarify, dark meaning: paranormal, horror, mystery, suspense, urban or dark fantasy, contemporary,
ALL GENRES (except Young Adult) will be considered!
25-100k in length, please only submit ONE STORY PER CARD.
Submissions open September 1st -October 31st, 2007
The chosen authors will be announced December 1st 2007
Please visit the Tease Tarot site for the complete listing of the rules and regulations and where to submit your work.